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Tom Brantley

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Simple Complexity: A Review

By Tom Brantley • January 01, 1999
Simple/Complexity -- Rick Simerly's new CD release -- is a straight ahead recording. Not in the sense of a Basie straight ahead, but in the sense of a straight ahead small group jazz. All of the players on this recording are seasoned, accomplished musicians.



Multiplicity & 20 Jazz Etudes: A Review

By Tom Brantley • September 01, 1997
Mark Nightingale, the reknowned jazz trombonist from England, has written two jazz etude books, with accompanying CDs, for tenor trombone. The first, Twenty Jazz Etudes for Tenor Trombone, appeared in 1995 from Warwick Music. The second, Multiplicity, was released in 1996 by the same publisher.